What Hurting People Need Most
October 2018 (link to OWN, September 2018)
Preface By Rill Hodari

Article by David Rakel, MD


This month I am sharing an article I recently read on offering healing support to hurting loved ones. This is relevant to www.alittlebitofhappiness.com in that sometimes people address pain with external remedies such as “retail therapy.” Now I love fashion and shopping, but the whole name “a little bit of happiness” alludes to the perspective that fashion is just a part, and probably a small part, of our identity and emotional selves. Therefore, I liked this article because of what it offers in terms of real solutions for helping others find substantive joy. However, I do take issue with the assertions that giving a personal testimony is narcissistic or that “fixing” is always wrong. In fact, I think that if you are in relationship with the hurt person and you know their history of responses to hurt and healing, you can recognize and accept their emotions while offering up what seems best for the time. So in this article and his book, Dr. Rakel gives additional methods for helping those we love, which is always worth sharing.   

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/inspiration/8-things-people-who-are-hurting-need




Rill Hodari is the Founder of a little bit of happiness LLC and www.alittlebitofhappiness.com , the first and only fashion on-demand discounting site.  For more information you can visit: